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What is a good Craigslist

The classified ads or craigslists, basically, allow promoting goods and services (among which is a wide variety of items or classes such as: specific machinery, real estate, vehicles, repairs and maintenance, human resources, jobs, etc.).

These classified ads are published in the written press (newspapers, newspapers or magazines) and currently in digital media, they serve to offer and demand products and services .
In the beginning, the promotion was always written and compiled in a section of the newspapers. Or in magazines exclusively dedicated to the classifieds of a neighborhood or a geographic sector. Being a mode of commercialization adopted all over the world. There are classified ads in Spain, classified ads in Nicaragua or Germany. Always looking for the same purpose: to offer or buy in Craigslist Albany.

One of the main advantages of the publication of products or goods (ordered or offered) in the classifieds is its low cost. Also the possibility of offering him or the goods as a private individual, having a personal treatment in the transaction. In addition to reaching a wider market thanks to graphic media.

With the computerization boom, classified ads took on another meaning , and took on a new momentum. It was translated into a mega expansion of the market and even the resource was free. Not to mention the speed that the internet provides. Thing that makes it increasingly common that any of us can offer what we can think of, free of charge, to countless people and carry out transactions quickly . This great movement or commercial traffic also originated sites specially dedicated to displaying free classifieds. Since the generation of profits is achieved thanks to the advertisements offered in them.

Is all the bad things that are said about them true, or, on the contrary, can they provide the opportunity to find a good job?

To answer these questions, it is first necessary to point out that only 15% of job opportunities ever appear in classified ads, and of that percentage, the vast majority are entry-level, part-time or commission-based positions. Some ads even offer jobs that are actually attempts to lure unemployed (and perhaps desperate) people into various types of scams.

In addition, since a classified job ad in a newspaper may be read and answered by hundreds of people, the chances of getting an interview are slim.

However, as negative as it may seem, classified ads can be a good source of employment if you know how to analyze and read them properly.

  • DAvid Wong
  • Apr 14 2021